List unlimited machines for free and connect your business to new buyers worldwide.

List unlimited machines free.

Listing equipment is completely free, we work on a success-based commission system.

Easy advertising for your machine business.

We act as your sales & marketing team, using all available channels. to promote your machines.

Connect your company to over 170+ countries.

We introduce your company to new markets in different countries helping find new buyers.

Reach a specialised audience.

As a specialist marketplace, you will see more targeted results compared to other marketplaces.

How it works


Sign up for free

You will receive a confirmation email after registering your details with us. This will feature a unique customer number. Listing on Machine Matcher is completely free.


Listing your machines

Once your account is created, machine matchers sales agents will get to work listing all your machines for you for free.


Start Receiving leads

A machine matcher agent will contact you to ask for a quote and any information the buyer needs when a serious buyer inquiries about one of your listings.


Connect to the buyer

When the buyer is ready, we will connect you directly with the buyer’s details. We work on a commission based system in which the commission is added on top of your net selling price.


Close the deal

You invoice the buyer. When the full amount is paid, we invoice you for our commission (which is on top of your net price - the buyer pays the total amount to you.)

Ready to start selling?

Simply create an account below and we start listing your machines.

Please enter your full name.

Please enter your company name.

Please enter your email address.

Please enter your phone number.




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